New Books Network Podcasts
I am always looking for ways to bring unique, innovative, inspiring ideas into conversation. There are so many great thinkers and writers right now who are sharing provocative work. Many of their books come my way via academic channels, but their ideas should not be confined to academia!
New Books Network (NBN) is a consortium of author-interview podcast channels dedicated to raising the level of public discourse via new media. As a NBN host focused on depth psychology, I have the opportunity to invite thoughtful guests to talk about their latest work. It is a total treat to speak with writers like Bayo Akomolafe, Marisol D’Andrea, Martin Shaw, and Mary-Jayne Rust, and I aim to have a conversation that makes their wild ideas more accessible.
The writers I interview aren’t always psychologists. They’re often working on food systems and broader ideas of ecology. They’re always taking action and writing about how ideas take shape in the world.
Below are a few of my favorite conversations. To stay up to date on latest podcast episodes, subscribe to my newsletter and follow New Books Network.
Listening to Voices for These Times
Martin Shaw
Smoke Hole
Marisol D'Andrea
The Power of Artistic Thinking
Bayo Akomolafe
The Wilds Beyond Thes Fences
Mary-Jayne Rust
Towards an Ecopsychotherapy
Bob Quinn
Grain by Grain
Gero Leson
Honor Thy Label